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Sep 14, 2024

Raktha chandana Benefits For Skin
Ayurveda the age old science is the treasure house of many medicines that not only cure diseases but also helps to maintain a healthy life style. Among these one that deserves special mention is skin care.Nature is blessed with wide variety of drugs suitable for ayurvedic skin care.
Raktha chandana also known as lal chandan or Red sandalwood is the main drug that comes to one’s mind at first when a person opts for ayurvedic skin care.Raktha chandana is the heart wood of the tree Red sandalwood tree(Pterocarpus santalum) which is the native of South East Asia.In India it’s extensively found in hilly regions of , Karnataka, Andra Pradesh, Maharashtra,Odissa and West Bengal.The wood is dark purple in colour with bitter taste.Raktha chandana is rich in minerals like zinc, copper, cadmium as well as bio active components like

flavanoids, saponins,glycosides.This makes Rakthachanda the chief in skin care
Raktha chandana can be used internally as well as externally for skin care.Externally Rakthachanda can be used as face packs.
Yadasutra Raktha chandanadi face pack is an ayurvedic face pack that can be added to your daily ayurvedic skin care regimn.Mix 5gms of Yadasutra Raktha chandanadi face pack with half teaspoon rosewater and apply over face .Wash off with plain water when the pack is semi dry
The fine powders of Yadasutra face pack has immense benefits on skin
The fine particles of Yadasutra Raktha chandanadi face pack gets easily absorbed on the skin .It cures hyperpigmentation removes blemishes and makes skin even toned.It helps in de tanning.The cooling and anti inflammatory

property of Yadasutra Raktha chandanadi face pack aids in curing inflammatory acne, psoriasis,eczema, dermatitis.It reduces reddness and skin irritation.
