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Sep 12, 2024

Perfect grooming is greatly looked upon in the present society and this becomes more important if your job or career options lie mainly in the corporate and other aesthetic and wellness sector. There are many things that can help you look stunning from tip to toe but a perfect hairstyle is something that transforms it into its perfection. Becoming a mother and enjoying the beauty of motherhood is truly a blessing, but it can come with concerns especially since it effect the overall appearance of the new mother. One of the prominent things that tend to be influenced by pregnancy is the beautiful locks of hair that you pampered greatly before. It is seriously heart breaking to see them fall but understanding more about it will surely assure you that it is not a matter of tension for all.

The hair fall is at its peak in early pregnancy and this give way to a period of less hair fall with improved hair texture and growth once the placenta is formed and starts producing estrogen and progesterone. The pregnancy levels of these hormones are many folds higher than what is needed in a non pregnant woman. The third stage of a normal delivery is the placental delivery and after this within the next few days these maternal hormone levels comes within the normal non pregnant female levels. Following this fluctuation in the internal environment new mothers often observe that by 4th month post partum; there is a heightened hair fall issue.

During the phase of development hair passes through different stages. The anagen stage is the one when there is active keratinocyte mitosis happens in the hair matrix and this is the development stage. It is very much supported by the increased hormones during pregnancy. The sudden drop of hormones as mentioned before after pregnancy will result in stoppage of this developmental phase and immediate shift to the telogen or the resting phase where the mitotic activity is arrested. The hair remains in resting period for 3 months and then starts to shed. The time period of this resting phase can also have individual variation but a hair fall after this phase is inevitable.

Usually the new moms get back the same old hair growth pattern by the first birthday of their kid. There can also be many conditions that prevent this too. If the hair pattern doesn’t return to normal kindly consult your doctor or a dermatologist as any thyroid hormone fluctuation especially the high levels of circulating anti thyroid peroxidase antibodies, auto immune conditions, micronutrient deficiencies, stress, and other hair fall conditions like androgenic alopecia, etc can also coexist and result in the same.

If there is no other underlying pathologies, in traditional medicine of Ayurveda the situation is handled mainly in the line of treatment of the condition called khalithya. As per the pathogenesis there is interplay of all 3 humors in this condition. The deranged vata and pitta reach the roma koopa or hair follicles and causes dahana i.e. inflammatory changes around the follicles resulting in hair fall and this is followed by the action of Kapha and raktha which blocks the follicles and prevents new hair from growing.

Many interventions are available in Ayurveda that support you in speedy recovery from the condition but these should always be undertaken under strict medical supervision and expert guidance.

  1. Nasya: The procedure where the medication is instilled through ones nose. After medical examination suitable medicated oil or sesame oil can be selected.According to the severity of the condition the dose and duration for the procedure is fixed. The procedure also has the potential to reduce premature graying.
  2. Moordha taila: There are 4 methods of oil administration in uttamanga or head, viz, Shiro abhyanga, shiropichu, shirodhara and shirobasti. The procedure is selected as per the condition of the patient. Most common practice is prescription of medicated oils like Neelibringadhi, Triphaladi, Chemparuthyadi, etc for external application on head on an outpatient basis seeing the condition. Kindly note that it is not advised to randomly buy any oils over the counter and start using them because each type of combination is intended to combat specific dosha and condition.
  3. Snaana: Washing the hair with water processed with drugs like terminalia chebula, terminalia bellarica, emblica officinalis, glycyrrhiza glabra, etc have the potential to reduce the hair fall.
  4. Dhoopana: Fumigation of hair with medicated fumes can also help prevent any fungal infections of the scalp and prevent hair fall.

For new moms the arrival of this tender life adds up a bundle of responsibilities and duties that they are totally new to and even if they are happy in this new stage of life, there is also considerable stress lingering around. Many of them would have been keen about the diet and supplements during their pregnancy but after the child birth they tend to neglect their health and well being. Kindly understand that self help is the best help. Along with the family please take care of your overall wellness.

  • After 6 weeks of a normal delivery you can slowly start the exercise routine which is also beneficial in checking your hair fall issue with other countless health benefits. I do not recommend a high intensity stressful exercise as it can prove to be harmful and also interfere with milk production.
  • Drink enough water as proper hydration is necessary in ensuring healthy skin and hair.
  • Make sure adequate micronutrient supply is obtained through proper diet especially include foods rich in calcium, zinc, vitamin D, iron, etc and supplements if necessary.
  • Try to do meditation and breathing exercise to overcome any stress and anxiety issues so that the mind is in tranquility.
  • Avoid rigorous combing of hair and tight up do hairstyles to prevent sudden fall of hairs in the resting phase.
  • It is better to avoid heat and chemical treatment of hair at this time as they are weak, thin and prone to fall off.
  • Get a comfortable haircut and maintain the hair in the length that enables you to manage it perfectly. Wear soft hair bands to tie the hair.
  • Use soft pillows of soft natural fabric to avoid friction.
  • It is good to apply the age old magic remedy, the egg whites, on the scalp on regular basis.
  • Use mild shampoos or natural cleansing agents for hair wash.
  • Ensure that you also treat any underlying conditions and deficiencies systematically.





